Opera & Concert

L'enfant et les sortilèges (An Empty House), Opera Ballet Vlaanderen (c) byWM

L'enfant et les sortilèges (An Empty House), Opera Ballet Vlaanderen (c) byWM

Iphigénie en Tauride, Opera Ballet Vlaanderen (c) Annemie Augustijns
Giulio Cesare - Minard Schouwberg, Ghent (c) Wout Vloeberghs

Sweet Revenge (?), LullyZaal, Opera Ghent (c) Koen Broos

Sweet Revenge (?), LullyZaal, Opera Ghent (c) Koen Broos

Sweet Revenge (?), LullyZaal, Opera Ghent (c) Koen Broos

Sweet Revenge (?), LullyZaal, Opera Ghent (c) Koen Broos

Concours de Composition for l'Académie Ravel (c) Mathieu Mengaillou / Komcébo

Concert Salle Tanka for l'Académie Ravel (c) Christophe De Dreuille

Concert de clôture for l'Académie Ravel (c) Mathieu Mengaillou / Komcébo
IOA Concert, MIRY Concertzaal, Ghent (c) Wout Vloeberghs
IOA Concert, MIRY Concertzaal, Ghent (c) Wout Vloeberghs

Pirates of Penzance, Buxton Opera House National Gilbert & Sullivan Festival (c) Charlie Smith

The Mikado, Buxton Opera House National Gilbert & Sullivan Festival (c) Charlie Smith

The Mikado, Buxton Opera House National Gilbert & Sullivan Festival

The Yeoman of the Guard, Buxton Opera House National Gilbert & Sullivan Festival (c) Charlie Smith

La bella dormente nel bosco, Royal College of Music (c) Chris Christodoulou

La bella dormente nel bosco, Royal College of Music (c) Chris Christodoulou

Orpheus in the Underworld, Royal College of Music (c) Chris Christodoulou

Orpheus in the Underworld, Royal College of Music (c) Chris Christodoulou

Handel's Messiah, Nevill Holt Opera Christmas Concert, Manchester Monastery (c) Miles Peacock

Flight, Royal College of Music (c) Chris Christodoulou

SongEasel Recital, Blackheath Halls (c) Kate Kantur

SongEasel Recital, Blackheath Halls (c) Kate Kantur

L'enfant et les sortilèges (An Empty House), Opera Ballet Vlaanderen (c) byWM